Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ah, For The Love of Pete

I've been wanting to see Up for a while now, and now I've got it! Muahahhahaha! Ahem. I mean I'm watching it now. Please excuse the evil laughs.
So, 15 minutes into this and I'm already paying for it. Disney movies always make me cry like a baby. Pixar sass teamed up with Disney sentimentality? Sob.

Despite the sniffing, I'm in love with this movie. It's gorgeous. It's all relationship-y (my favorite). Plus, it's got the whole people are people thing going on. You know. Old people are people. Little people are people. Birds/dogs are people.

I just love it!
If you haven't seen it, you should. I am.


  1. It's my new favorite animated movie. It's very sweet!

  2. I knew you loved it, as soon as I saw the Grape Ellie Badge! SO sweet.

  3. Omg I know!! I did enjoy the movie, especially the bird who's adorable, but the beginning I cried to no end. It does tie into the story, tho. I hope you enjoy it!! It's such a cute, fun movie overall!

  4. I watched this movie last week and I cracked up, and that's something I'm not use to do. hehehe. No, I mean seriously.

  5. It was a cute movie... although I still love Wall-E more. But that's just me.

  6. Melanie- I love Kevin!

    Bululu- It was really funny.

    Curious Illusion- Wall-E still holds a place in my heart. ^_^

  7. I want to see this so bad!! It's getting moved up on my Netflix queue


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