Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mad Mad Madam Mim

I don't get mad very often. Frustrated? Sure. Down right mad? Not so much. Usually, a good rant and I'm done, but I guess that's because it's never that big a deal.

Invasion of privacy? Big deal! Breaking and entering? Big deal! Being all around creepy? Big freaking deal!

Someone has stolen our "hide-a-key" and is coming in our house-either while we're sleeping, or not home. Yeah. You read right. SOMEONE IS COMING IN OUR HOUSE!

Now, I realize a spare key out of doors isn't the best idea, but you have to understand who we're talking about here. ME.

I lock myself out of the house on a regular basis. In the cold. In my terribly mismatched pajamas. Without my cell phone. Or my car keys. And I'm too short to climb in our most likely locked windows.

So, all the locks have now been replaced, we've installed a video camera, and I'm working from home tomorrow...with my Louisville Slugger, and cell phone in hand.

At the moment? I'm not sure who I'd like to get a hold of. I just know I'd like to. I could seriously do some damage right about now.


  1. That is so WEIRD!!!!!! WTH?!?! Are they taking your stuff or just coming in and snooping around? Did you call the police?

    Wow- now I want to know how it turned out. Good luck!

  2. Oh, God... Ew. I can't even imagine.

  3. Oh details please! That's horrible!

  4. Are you working from home by yourself? hmmm

  5. Oh man... If it were me, I would seriously not be able to even be there on my own for quite some time!

    But how strange is it for someone to be coming into your house without stealing something? Extremely creepy. Good on you for changing the locks so quickly.

    My spare key is entrusted to my dad, who lives two hours away, but if I ever locked myself out then I'd just have to call him. It gives me a high motivation to make sure I don't lock myself out. :p

  6. That's absolute craziness! I'll come and help you stake out your place if you want!

  7. Omg, that's SO creepy! I'm glad you changed the locks, now BE SAFE when you work from home!!

  8. That is ridiculously creepy. Why wouldn't they just come in once and steal stuff instead of just coming in. Be careful!

  9. How do you know they've been in your home?? I can't even imagine! I would be so terribly creeped out, I think I'd have to move. I hope changing your locks takes care of the problem. I personally think anger is much better than my reaction would be: hiding in a corner with a kitchen knife.

  10. That's so weird! How'd you figure out that someone was coming in during the day?

  11. This one calls for a collective answer. How 'bout a second post on the subject?


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