Wednesday, December 16, 2009

That'll Do, Blog. That'll Do.

Alright, bloggers. I can now sleep peacefully.

I'd say I'm pretty content with the ol' layout.

Well, minus the fact that:

- My videos STILL get chopped off.

- I have a visually unhappy follower. Jay, I'm sorry. I just can't make it white with black text. It's against everything I stand for. I tried, though. Really.

- I lost the photo's of my husband person and critters I'd uploaded waaaaaaay back when.

I'm just sucking it up, and calling it a done deal. I've tried other layouts, but they're just not neat and tidy like this one. I'm a creature of habit. What can I say?

Mimsy is back in business.

1 comment:

  1. Don't apologize! This is YOUR space, lady friend. ;-)


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