Monday, December 28, 2009

Shoot The Moon

With the help of some highlighters here at my office, I've been spending my lunch break schnazzin' up one of those old doodles I've mentioned. I'm thinking this little guy is going to make it into one of those infamous children's books I keep talking about, but never seem to get written/illustrated. Not exactly sure how, though.

What say you? What do you think his story is?


  1. This picture BELONGS in a children's book. I'm pretty sure this monster's beard is made out of cheese that it drilled out of the cheese moon. Maybe??...

  2. LOVE it! kinda looks like something outta of "where the wild things are" how great! ;)

  3. Okay I'll write a kid book and you illustrate it. I've always wanted to :)

  4. love it, thats some talent right there!

  5. Greta- Thanks! I think you may have something there.

    Kelwhy- Gotta love wild things.

    Jamie- Sounds like a plan. I have so many ideas for writing one, but I just haven't made it happen yet. If you're serious, let me know what sort of plot you're thinking about!

    Chelsea- Thanks, lady!

  6. ohh he definitely belongs in a childrens book:) so so cute. and thanks for commenting and catching back up! and for your very very sweet comment:) hope you have a happy new year!

  7. Nicole- I sure hope he ends up in one. Happy New Year to you, too!

  8. How cute!!!

    He looks a bit hungry to me. I don't know why... :)

  9. Hee hee. I dunno, I think he's happy tho!

  10. P- Ooh! Maybe he ate the holes in the moon! :P

    Ari- He's definitely happy.


What Say You?!

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